segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010


Sometimes it all feels like a dream.
Sometimes you wish it could last forever so the reality wouldn't come back, with its full force, reminding you of your wounds. Your disappointments. Your losses.
Sometimes they are drunk.
Sometimes they just show up uninivited.
Sometimes they are SO wrong.
Sometimes they smile like they mean it.
Sometimes you smile just because the moment asks for it and the past is forgotten for a split second.
Sometimes you gotta fail first, realize that you can actually do it and just... dance.
Sometimes your dance partner is the person who hurt you the most.
Sometimes it's your best friend.
Sometimes it's the man of your life.
Sometimes you are surrounded by people who dislike you but also by people who love you more than you'll ever know. And then, you have one of the best days in a long, long time.
Sometimes you have two amazing days in a row.
Sometimes you and your best friend can work very hard and be happy about it.
Sometimes you just gotta dance again. And again. And again.
Sometimes go to buy food can be the most hilarious experience ever.
Sometimes someone is gonna scream, really scream, in your ear and you'll just love him even more because of it.
Sometimes be starving can be funny.
Sometimes you just gotta hang out with the boys and laugh until tears of happiness start streaming down your face.

Sometimes you post in English and you have no idea why.

Everytime - every single time - "your people" is all you need to be happy.

2 comentários:

  1. Sometimes you notice that you love someone more than you ever know *.*
    Sometimes you have the best friend that someone could have.
    Sometimes you see that saying I love you it's not enough to represent your true feelings.

    Esse foi O fim de semana.
    You rock o/
    Tá lindo o teexto, emocionou meeesmo *.*
    Te amo, duude

  2. Oi Buna.
    Seu blog é de muito bom gosto.
    Obrigada pela força no Flor da Ilha. Vamos em frente.

    Pelo SPORT tudo!

    Um abraço,
