quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

The following takes place...

... between a breaking news and a broken heart.

This is a love story.

Day 1, first halve.

You hated it.
You didn't even know what it was all about.
The only thing you know is that your dad watches it. And seems to like. But no, not you.
Not a stupid show that has a clock appearing on the screen every 20 goddamnit minutes.

Day 1, second halve.

You hated him.
That slim, looking like latin guy.
Tony Almeida.
You just hated him.
Who the hell he think he is to 'steal' Jack Bauer's woman?
Because you liked her.
You trusted her.
You could see how she and that blond guy got along so well. Better than well. Closely.
The blond guy which name was Jack Bauer.
"My name is Jack Bauer and today is the longest day of my life"
The man with a deep, beautiful voice that could shoot a terrorist a mile away.
The hero.
The betrayed hero.
And you started hating her.

Day 2.

You loved him.
The handsome, different and yet the same, latin guy.
And he loved her.
Just like you did. (Do).
Just like him, you can still remember the first time you saw her on your screen.
The first time you saw her smiling.
And you both knew she was the one.
For him. Tony Almeida and...
... Michelle Dessler.
And even though you wouldn't mind with scenes only between the two of them (who cares about a bomb If you get to see them kissing each other oh-so-desperate on a dark aisle?), you can't deny the adrenaline running through your body everytime Jack Bauer makes his appearance.
With a gun.
With a "damn it".
With a mission.
To save us all.

Day 3.

You loved them.
The only thing that kept you from screaming upon seeing their wedding rings was your dad right behind you, sitting in the other sofa. But you smiled. A big, satisfied smile.
They are your first shipper.
Until everything changes.
He gets shot.
She exposes herself to a very, very deadly virus.
He wishes he could be there for her.
He is.
She let him know that "no matter what, the last three years have been the best years of my life".
He can barely breathe.
You can barely breathe.
And then...
She survives.
He had never felt so relieved in his entire life.
- "Michelle... I can't believe I almost lost you."
- "I almost lost you too. But we are still here."
- "Hey... I love you."
- "I love you so much."
You love them so much.
So much you almost can't believe when the mastermind terrorist kidnaps her.
He tries to save her instead of his country.
He does.
She is rescued.
They kiss. Their last kiss before he is sent to jail.
She is alone.
You are alone with that damn season finale.
Oh, and Jack? Not exactly the hero to me in this one.

Day 4.

You miss them.
You don't know a fucking thing about what happened to them.
Are they together?
Are they still loving each other?
Are they even going to show up this time?
Suddenly, he is back.
He saves his best friend.
And when she comes back to CTU - just like him -, he (you) knows he saved his life.
They saved each other lives.
They almost, almost lose each other.
But he is also rescued.
He also comes back to her arms.
- "I didn't know how much I love you until I thought I lost you."
You didn't know that either.

Day 5.

You lose them.
First her.
And you can't believe in your eyes when her car explodes. When he runs to her, taking her body in his arms just to feel - on his fingertips - that she is dead.
You... He felt empty.
Out of control.
And so he dies trying to get his revenge. He dies. For her. With her.
You wait - patiently - until Jack Bauer - definitely your hero now - kills the man who killed them both.
You don't feel better.
Somehow, you keep watching your favorite show.

Day 6.

You need them back.
You need a good plot as well.
And the whole season was so bad that you don't even know what to talk about it.
You just know you can't stop watching it. You're engaged to it.
For life.

Day 7.

You get him back.
Him and his hollow eyes. Broken heart. Meaningless life.
Him with his memories. His past. Her.
You find out you can't hate him. Not even after all he had done.
All of that for her.
And their unborn child.
He screams his frustation.
And you want to scream yours.
You just cry instead.

Day 8.

You know it's the end.
And when you're sure about it, you...
Want to feel the last seven days all over again.

You already miss it.

2 comentários:

  1. Achei muito legal esse post. Nunca vi 24 antes, mas consegui sentir algo bastante significativo vindo das suas palavras. Adoro o jeito como você carrega cada uma com uma boa dose de emoção :]
    Textos perfectos, como sempre.
    Saaaaaudades, partner!
    Baci =*

  2. Heeey, sweettie
    demorei pra vim escrever aqui... mas aqui estou euu
    isso é no mínimo.. triste.
    eu não assisto 24 hrs, nao tenho essa sua paixão pelo seriado.. but, we are sooo connected, that i can feel what you feel.
    Eu consigo sentir a sua angustia ao escrever, ao saber da notícia, ao saber que vai ser o fim...
    E na verdade, eu nem sei realmente o que dizer. Acho que 24 horas proporcionou a vc coisas maravilhosas, sem nenhum preço. E acredito que essas coisas vão permanecer pra sempre, assim como o seriado estará sempre vivo ai dentro de vc. I'm sure.
    Eu sei o q eu posso fazer, te abraçar. E é isso que eu vou fazer. E com isso, vc vai sentir o que eu nao consigo falar.
    Ficou brilhante esse texto.
    Te amo muuuito
    Always here, always here
